7 Inclusive Approaches to Manage a Hybrid Team

Lockdowns or not, it’s clear that Hybrid teams will be a part of local and international workplaces for years to come.

So when it comes to engaging with teams who are working from home, the office or somewhere in-between, it’s important that leaders understand that they’re overseeing an uneven playing field.

To help organisations keep their D&I initiatives afloat and prosperous, our partners at Hays Recruitment have put together 7 steps ensure your organisaiton’s hybrid working styles are inclusive — as well as conducive to great work. These are:

  • Designing inclusive team meetings;
  • Ensuring each member has a voice;
  • Understanding the difference of experiences for office and remote employees;
  • Creating opportunities for informal conversations that boost morale and purposefully create connections;
  • Ensuring team communication actively involves all staff;
  • Regular one-on-one catch ups;
  • Giving staff a sense of purpose.

For the full insights, tips, tricks and recommendations for each of the steps, see the original article by Nick Deligiannis (Managing Director of Australia and New Zealand) from the link below:

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