Take back the knight and #NameADame

Join us on our mission to raise the number of women in leadership and in the country’s top positions, for the economic and social prosperity of New Zealand as a whole.

Inequality in the Honours

Women make up just a third of New Zealand Order of Merit holders. The honours system recognises individuals who give outstanding service to the people of New Zealand. At the end of 2017 there are 119 sirs to 58 dames in this country. We know that women up and down the country are making extraordinary contributions to their communities.

Imagine for a moment the most incredible woman you know. She gives a whole new meaning to ‘high achiever’. She’s a changemarker, she’s a visionary. She makes the world better. She doesn’t need a knight in shining armour to rescue her from a tower. She’s the heroine of her own story.


The #NameADame campaign from Global Women encourages New Zealanders to nominate great women they know for a damehood.

We all know about the paltry number of women on New Zealand boards, and the fact that the median hourly earnings of women are 9.4% lower than men. But unlike these macro statistics, which the average woman can feel powerless to affect, the power to #NameADame lies with the people.

Anybody in New Zealand can make a nomination. It’s time for us to recognise our heroines. It’s time for women to take back the knight. Make it your mission for 2018. Share when you #NameADame and inspire others to do the same.