Kaila Colbin

Founder and CEO, Boma New Zealand

Kaila Colbin is founder and Chief Executive of Boma, an organisation building a world of intentional, intelligent, courageous leaders.

She spearheaded the hugely successful SingularityU New Zealand and Australia Summits, introducing thousands of people to exponential technologies and their impact on humanity.

She also co-founded the non-profit Ministry of Awesome, a force for high-growth start-ups; and served as Curator and Licensee for TEDxChristchurch in New Zealand and TEDxScottBase in Antarctica. She has extensive governance experience, including as Chair and Deputy Chair.

Kaila trained with Brené Brown to facilitate courage as a core competency and with Al Gore as a Climate Project Ambassador. She is a renowned national and international public speaker, sought after by corporates, government agencies, industry groups, and more.

A native New Yorker, Kaila speaks English, Spanish, French and Italian, holds a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Administration from Cornell University and has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 22. Her purpose in life is to be an uplifting presence.