Harlene Hayne

Vice Chancellor, University of Otago

Professor Harlene Hayne, ONZM, is the first woman Vice-Chancellor in New Zealand of Otago University. She was previously the former Head of the Psychology Department and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Enterprise at Otago University.

She spent four years as a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University before immigrating to New Zealand in 1992 to take up her first position at Otago as a Lecturer in the Psychology Department. Once here, she quickly established herself as a first-class teacher and researcher, becoming a Senior Lecturer in 1995, Associate Professor in 1999, full Professor with a Personal Chair in 2002 and then Head of the Department from 2006 to 2008. To date, she has published over 100 book chapters and journal articles and has supervised 20 PhD, 27 Masters, and more than 50 Undergraduate Honours theses to completion.

She has served on the Royal Society’s Academy Council, the Marsden Fund Council, and the New Zealand National Science Panel. She is the Associate Editor of Psychological Review and of the New Zealand Journal of Psychology and she serves on the editorial boards of 5 additional international journals. She was also awarded the American Psychological Foundation Robert L. Fantz Award for Excellence in Infancy Research