I am a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and a Subspecialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine with a strong background in Service Delivery and Improvement and Education for both Health Professionals and Consumers. I am also a business woman with diverse interests in Health and well being in general and in Women’s Health and Pregnancy. My broad interests have allowed me to have a Global role in Health and Education including New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, Bhutan and China.
As a Doctor I am currently based at Middlemore and Auckland Hospitals in New Zealand and Astra Radiology. I was the Inaugural Clinical Director of the New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFMN) which I established and ensures all women of New Zealand have access to excellent perinatal care.
I have worked in Bhutan assisting with the inception and development of a perinatal unit and countrywide network which is now established. Deaths and serious injury for mothers and babies has now started to fall as a result of this and other initiatives. I have also actively been involved in China in education.
I am a regular speaker and organize conferences and workshops in Australasia and Asia. I am a recognised leader in Australasia in the field of Maternal Fetal Medicine.
In 2010 I was awarded the Inaugural Next Woman of the Year award for my work in the development of Maternity Services. In 2013 I was a finalist in the Women of Influence Awards. I have been the media spokesperson for the RANZCOG and I have used my high profile to advantage in this role.
I am a member of New Zealand Global Women and in November 2013 I was invited to speak at the APEC Women in Leadership forum in Beijing on Health Economics and Networks as part of a Global Women Delegation.
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