Our lives are busy so we sometimes take the easy option. We talk to people we already know, we enjoy finding things we have in common. But by not intentionally including, we are unintentionally excluding. It’s the Old Boys’ Network in a different guise. How can we consciously design for diversity?

Our lives are busy so we sometimes take the easy option. We talk to people we already know, we enjoy finding things we have in common, it’s reassuring to be among ‘people like us’.

But we also know that the best ideas come from collaboration, we know that innovation comes from challenge. How do we overcome our affinity bias and ensure we are not only open to but actively encouraging other people’s world views?

Diversity is not static, we are constantly learning and evolving how we apply our knowledge and understanding to situation, experiences and relationships.

Here are 5 top tips to adopt to ensure we are ‘Designing by Diversity’:




  1. Excellent problem solvers
  2. Exceptional planners who have an innate ability to anticipate
  3. Adaptive
  4. Aware of their surrounds
  5. They’re creating ‘workarounds’ every day


Understanding Micro-agression: